The Central Bucks Education Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We are a fundraising and community connections partner for the Central Bucks School District and its 23 schools.
Fundraising includes a mix of grassroots efforts, community partnerships and long-range capital campaigns.
The Foundation is organized for you! To enrich the educational experiences of our students, we help fund projects created and inspired by the dedicated educators of the Central Bucks School District through corporate and individual partnerships.
How The CB Education Foundation Makes An Impact
Our goal is to enrich the educational experiences of students in the Central Bucks School District and support innovative learning opportunities. This is made possible through the exceptional generosity of our community and local businesses.
Through strategic collaboration with Central Bucks School District educators, we strive to increase the number of learning and growth opportunities available to our K-12 students.
We want to help fund transformative programs like these!