THANK YOU to Hatboro Federal Savings for your $10,000 donation to the Central Bucks Education Foundation. Your gift will have a huge impact on bringing new, innovative educational programs to the students at CBSD.
Penn Community Bank Supports CBSDEF with $5,000 Donation
Penn Community Bank has generously donated $5,000 to the Central Bucks School District Education Foundation. This contribution will help fund innovative new programs and unique educational experiences for all CBSD students. The CB Education Foundation extends its gratitude to Penn Community Bank for their dedication to education and the betterment...
Using Virtual Reality to Help Teachers Work with Students with Disabilities
CBSD Education Foundation is thrilled to support Kirsten Bronkovic and the innovative EmpathED program to bring empathy-driven education to the Central Bucks School District. The Central Bucks School District is using software to train teachers to work with students with dyslexia, ADHD, depression and anxiety. DOYLESTOWN, PA—The Central Bucks School...